Although this might sound like an easy task, it was not as easy for me. I prefer to stay behind the camera and not in front of it, so finding a picture of me was definitely a challenge. But in the end I had to put something, so I looked hard and found a selfie from last hunting season and it looked decent enough, so there it goes, my new moodle profile:
Next I had to write a forum presentation to my fellow students, which was again a challenge for me, as I'm not used to sharing information about myself with people I haven't met before, but I had to try.
And of course, I forgot to write in my blog link, so had to add that later.
Nach einem langen Arbeitstag ist das Spielen in Online-Casinos Dreams eine tolle Möglichkeit, um sich zu entspannen und die Gedanken des Tages hinter sich zu lassen. Ich genieße die verschiedenen Spiele und die Chance, echtes Geld zu gewinnen.