The task
You are required to take and edit a low-light image.
It can be a product photo, a still life or a portrait. Use the unique characteristics of low light to take a photograph with drama and impact. Try different compositions and angles that may enhance the mood.
Use a low ISO setting;
Use a small aperture;
Use a tripod and your self-timer or a remote/trigger;
Watch your focus, and use manual focus if needed.
Add too much light or expose too much;
Leave your VR/IS switched on if you are using a tripod.
Since I already have a still-life photography set up and the weather outside is quite bad, I decided to push the limits of my low-light photography at home and shoot another still-life photo for this task. I darkened the room as much as possible, only leaving a small sliver of window light and the candlelight from the setup. I had my camera mounted on a tripod, with a locked-in focus and completely manual mode. I used low ISO (100), the smallest aperture on the scale (f/32), and a long exposure (30.0 sec).